- Textual helpers: heading, paragraphs, blockquote, ordered list, unordered list.
- Input Controls: label, text input, text area, button, checkbox, radio, number, Combobox, switch, slider, colour picker, date picker, field set, start rating, heart rating, file uploader, drag, drop file uploader.
- Dialog boxes and Feedbacks: alert, prompt, spinner, progress bar, notification messages, tooltips.
- Multimedia Controls: audio, video, image, thumbnails.
- Navigation Controls: horizontal navigation, vertical navigation, tabs, pagination, breadcrumb, previous-next button, segment control, stage/phase, tab bar.
- Dashboard: vertical bar chart, horizontal bar chart, pie chart, doughnut chart, line chart, area chart, bubble chart, plot chart, gauge, data blocks, world map.
- Text Input Helpers: (text box with labels) email, username, password, name, nickname, designation, company, Facebook, Twitter, phone number, mobile number, address, search, location.
- Listing helpers: product list, news list, article list.
- Misc Components: carousel, WYSIWYG editor, calendar, captcha, accordion, social share, table, map, tags, date range, time range, registration form, login form, chat/message screen.
- Card: card layouts.
- Devices: mobile phone, desktop.